One Minute Warning

An office: a desk, a couple of chairs. JEN is on the phone. LEON is standing at a distance, looking out over the audience.
(to the phone)
I see all the KRA’s are complete except for your team’s....Well, 90% is not complete, I’m sorry.
          (to Leon)
I won’t be long.
(to the phone)
I know the deadline isn’t dead yet. But all the other teams have their KRA’s submitted...Why would I threaten you? I was just pointing out...Okay, well get them in as soon as--okay, bye. 
(to Leon, as she hangs up)
People are so touchy, you know? I’m just doing my job, helping them do their job. You know? Leon?
Oh, sorry. I was thinking.
Well, we can’t have that around here!
Leon is puzzled.
Joke. That’s a joke. Just a sec.
(picks up phone, pushes a number) James, could you step in, please? Yes, now.
(to Leon, as she hangs up)
Maybe we should have people raise their hands or
something when they tell a joke so people can be sure.
Is that also a joke?
Some people just don’t get each other. And then they come crying to HR. I am not their nanny!
No. You are their human resource.

I am HR for the company. Hiring and firing. Policy. Oh, and policy enforcement. Why do people get the idea that I’m here to serve people

To find out what happens next, email andrew AT cottage14 DOT com to request a copy of the script.

First production coming up in February, 2015 at the Paw Paw (Michigan) Village Players.

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